31 Coulston Road, Monbulk (Yarra Ranges Shire)
This site contained 3 remnant EVC’s, EVC 16 Lowland Forest with EVC 29 Damp Forest with a complex EVC17 Riparian Scrub/Swamp Riparian Woodland which is listed as Vulnerable. The site also contained threatened Eucalyptus fulgens which along with the riparian area were a priority behind the need to ensure human safety (Clause 13.02). The complexity of these sites requires careful consideration of all natural resources on site from water quality, soil risks, pest animal and weed control to threatened species management and protection splitting the site into 3 zones for protection, Domestic Zone, Vegetation Protection Zone and Conservation Zone all with differing requirements and management to ensure that the site is appropriately managed in perpetuity.
Green Wedge Management Report - Yarra Ranges
Project Included
Green Wedge Management Report
Native Vegetation removal for defendable space

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